Welcome to Mike with a Prius' blog!
Last month, in December 2010, I bought my first car ever after sharing cars for essentially my whole life with family members. The 2007 Toyota Prius had 34k miles on it, and having been bought and regularly serviced at a nearby dealer, it seemed like a good deal from someone who had traded it in for another new Toyota. Although the goal of this blog will doubtless change with time, my main goal is to hopefully help out someone who stumbles across this site while researching the viability of a Prius or hybrid as a long-term purchase. In the last year or so there has certainly been plenty of pretty wild and sensational publicity for Toyota (and not in a good way), so it seems useful to get some facts from a Prius owner's personal experience.
A second goal (which will hopefully take up a lot more space than articles about repairs!) is to document and teach others ways to get good, better, or even (wait for it...) the best mileage out of their vehicle, hybrid or otherwise. There are incredible resources out there on the internet to this end, but many articles are either oversimplified or, on the other end of the spectrum, too technical for laymen to understand. Since I know little about the inner working of cars, but plan on learning an awful lot, it makes sense to share that information in more accessible but still detailed terms for everyone else out there who's in the position I'm in now.
And naturally, I have a third goal in order to properly cover my bases - which is to talk about whatever else I feel like talking about at the time :-)
Now, there's some very important business to take care of before you start reading - lovely as is the Toyota-assigned name of the car, my Prius, purchased after a fairly dense watching of all the Prison Break episodes on Netflix, has been named Wentworth.
See you soon.
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